Delhi Elections (2020): Who gets the crown?

Post Maharashtra elections, the Delhi elections are turning out to be one high pitched battle with a lot at stake for Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP). But obviously therefore, a lot of eyes are riveted to the outcome which would be declared the coming Tuesday on Feb 11. To satisfy my curiosity and also as an excuse to read with the Vampire Tarot which I hadn’t touched since a long time, I asked the cards as to how the three main players (Congress, BJP and AAP) in this election would fare.

Before I start, the Vampire Tarot by Robert Place is a must have deck for dark deck lovers. Based around the myth of Dracula and vampires, this deck though RWS based, is a bit different from the rest.

Vampire Tarot

Anyways post the question, and after shuffling I laid out the cards for Congress and how they would fare in the Delhi elections


The first card itself hints at Congress’ performance. They are caught up in their own vicious circle and unable to get out of the mess. The ten of stakes hints at the need to get out of the dumps and rebuild self. The first two cards give a hint of the positive Sun card being ill dignified and therefore the need for dispelling the illusion that this party might be finding itself in. The Quint card, Star (17) points to the need for ascending from the state the party finds itself currently at – disappointed expectations, instability, etc.

The clarificator here was the Knave of Knives represented by the nightmare of Life-in-Death. A lifeless vampire who dwells in the past, and has no locus standing currently.

A pointer towards poor or no standing at all in these elections, for the Congress party.

Next I came to BJP (and how it would fare these elections)


The King of Holy Water in this deck is represented by English actor Sir Henry Irving who was known for his portrayal of villains and who many believe to be the inspiration for Stoker’s Dracula. Cutting the story short, this card is about a person who is in control of his emotions, but at the same time can play his emotions well and use the same to influence others in the direction he wants. The next card has all the elements that are used to slay Dracula – crucifix, book, cross, garlic flowers, etc. Now looking at both the cards we have all the tricks employed by this political party for this election. They fired up nationalism and patriotism through their speeches. They brought in all star power (leaders from different walks) to slay their opposition. The last card was the ace of knives represented by a kukri. This card is about committing to definitive strategies which seemed lacking and therefore the card seemed ill dignified. Next the Quint came out to be Temperance (14) indicating that an outcome of a good result seemed tricky.

So a clarificator again – which was the Ten of Knives, a card of ruin and being in tatters.

I would interpret this as BJP not faring well, rather it would have a dismal performance (and contrary to its own expectations).

Finally coming to AAP (and how would they fare these elections)


Van Helsing here reminds me as to how AAP and Kejriwal have been promoting themselves these elections as the saviour for the ills plaguing Delhi. Van Helsing too was brought in to kill Dracula, and so AAP as they portray themselves are necessary for ridding Delhi of its negativity (for development). The Vampire Tarot has Ligeia as the Knave of Staves. Ligeia as per vampire folklore comes back to her husband post her death due to her strong attachment for him. Next, is the Ace of Stakes, the wooden cross which was prescribed to kill Dracula.

So well what do we have here – the every possibility of Kejriwal’s AAP coming back to power since they have what it takes to right the ills plaguing Delhi. The Quint here works out to be Justice (8), so maybe AAP winning this round of elections could be the justice for the work they claim they have been doing

The clarificator which I drew for added insight was the Five of Garlic Flowers. This card’s imagery has Dracula being forbidden from entering the church.

With the 3 cards being all about vanquishing Dracula, this clarificator again hints at AAP being the means for ridding Delhi of its ills and also the way forward.

All in all, I think AAP would be winning the elections straight out. BJP would not fare as per their past record and would have a low key performance. Congress would be missing the bus!

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